Welcome to the Franklin Station Homeowners Association

Franklin Station is a subdivision in Madison, Alabama, governed by a Homeowners Association which is incorporated and registered with the State of Alabama.  Franklin Station is located in western Madison County within Madison city limits (just southeast of the intersections of Balch and Gillespie Roads) with entrances on Monument Drive and Balch Road to the west and Pennsylvania Avenue and Gillespe Road to the north.

The Homeowners Association collects annual dues to pay for the upkeep of the swimming pool, playground, and entrance way (residents of the neighboring Georgetown subdivision may purchase a pool membership).

Franklin Station is zoned for the Madison City Schools: Midtown Elementary, Discovery Middle School, and Bob Jones High School.

Franklin Station (near Balch and Gillespie)

Mailing Address
Franklin Station HOA
P.O. Box 2051
Madison, AL 35758
Email the Board


ACC Requests

To submit an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) request, please email the board.

Copyright © 2024 Franklin Station Homeowners Association, Madison, Alabama. Direct questions to webmaster@franklinstation.org.