About Us

Franklin Station is a subdivision in Madison, Alabama, governed by a Homeowners Association which is incorporated and registered with the State of Alabama.  The Homeowners Association is managed by a 3-member Board of Directors, volunteers who must be Franklin Station residents.  Each member of the Board of Directors is elected to a 2-year term by a majority vote of the residents.  The Board of Directors chooses a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer from among its members and a Secretary who is not a member of the Board.

The Homeowners Association collects annual dues to pay for the upkeep of the swimming pool, playground, and entrance way.  Residents of the neighboring Georgetown subdivision may purchase a pool membership.

There are several committees which help maintain the neighborhood.  These committees include the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), the Pool Committee, the Maintenance/Landscaping Committee and the Welcome Committee. Volunteers are always needed and welcome to serve on the Board and various committees.

Board of Directors

The affairs of the Franklin Station Homeowners Association is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board must reside in the Community. The Board consists of three (3) members. Board members serve two-year terms. Two members are elected by the HOA in odd years and one member is elected in even years.

The Board is responsible to prepare a budget covering the estimated costs of operating the Association during the coming year, which shall include a capital contribution or reserve in accordance with a capital budget separately prepared. The Board will publish the budget and assessments (dues) at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current fiscal year. The budget and the assessment shall become effective unless disapproved at a meeting by a majority of the total Association vote. The fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

Current Board Members:

  • Jennifer L. (elected in 2024; serves until 2026)
  • Jan A. (elected in 2024; serves until 2026)
  • Dora B. (elected in 2023; serves until 2025)
  • Angela L. (elected in 2024; serves until 2026)


The Officers of the Franklin Station Homeowners Association are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Any two (2) or more offices may be held by the same Person, excepting the Offices of President and Secretary. The President and Treasurer shall be elected from among the members of the Board of Directors.

Current Officers:

  • President: Jennifer L.
  • Vice-President: Jan A.
  • Treasurer: Angela L.
  • Secretary: Dora B.

Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

The ACC is the only committee whose function and responsibilities are defined in the Covenants and By-Laws. Members ACC are approved by the Board and determines compliance with community standards as specified in the Covenants. They approve or disapprove individual proposals to residential structural changes. This committee will also assist the Board to enforce the covenants. 

Key ACC documents are:

  • Covenants
  • By-Laws
  • Community Standards
  • Fence Standards

Members of the ACC (updated February 23, 2022)

  • Jennifer L. (Chairperson)
  • Mitch W.
  • Kelvin M.
  • Phil S.
  • Bobby L.
  • Maureen G.


The Franklin Station Group. The purpose of this group is to help Franklin Station residents communicate with each other regarding topics of common interest such as lost/found pets, suspicious/criminal activity, referrals on lawn care providers or other services, neighborhood social events, etc. It is NOT the place for official notices, comments or questions to or from the HOA Board or the ACC. This is a "Closed Group" meaning that other Facebook users can see the list of participants, but only members can see comments. The group is open to adult residents of Franklin Station, and all members are encouraged to post questions and comments.

To become a member, go to the "Franklin Station" page on Facebook. Then click on the "Join Group" link in right corner. Member comments will not be visible until your membership is approved by the Facebook Chairperson.

NOTE: Posting on the Facebook Group page is not a substitute for official communication with the Franklin Station Homeowners Association Board or Architectural Control Committee.

Mailing Address
Franklin Station HOA
P.O. Box 2051
Madison, AL 35758
Email the Board


ACC Requests

To submit an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) request, please email the board.

Copyright © 2024 Franklin Station Homeowners Association, Madison, Alabama. Direct questions to webmaster@franklinstation.org.