Below are some of the questions and answers that the Board often reveives.
Each household in Franklin Station, who is in good standing with the HOA (you have paid your dues and owe no fines or late fees) may use the pool.
If you are a resident of Georgetown Square, you can buy a pool membership for $300 for the season (mail your check to the HOA mailing address).
If you would like to buy a second key, the cost is $20. You may be entitled to a free replacement key if you need one. Send an email to the board to find out if you qualify.
$300. Annual dues are determined annually by the Board based on the HOA budget.
The HOA fiscal year runs from 1 January - 31 December. Dues notices are sent out in February and must be paid in full by 1 April. A grace period extends to 10 April. After that, late fees will be assessed and accrue at a rate of $50 per month until the dues are paid in full.
Properties who have an outstanding HOA balance will not be permitted to use the pool or playground.
Carrying an HOA balance may delay your closing if you sell your home.
Bulk trash and yard waste is picked up on Mondays
Recycling is picked up on the third Thursday of the month
Trash is picked up on Thursdays
Pickups are delayed a day to account for holidays
Only the standard 6' Shadowbox wooden fence may be erected. ACC approval is not required if constructed in accordance with the "Community Standard for Property Fences".
In special cases, the ACC may grant a waiver to the standard shadowbox fence design for those portions of the fence that do not lie at property boundaries, such as the front or rear portions of the fence. The existing non-standard fence located along Balch Road is an example.
A less than 6' high version of the standard shadowbox fence may be erected adjacent to air conditioners, gas meters, garbage can storage areas, etc. to provide a "screen" for those items.
Email the board. Be sure to indicate the name of your company, your company's physical address and your company's website address. In your request for information, please include the address of the property, anticipated closing date, and names of the new owners.
Please remember to receive the HOA Pool Key Card from the previous owners at closing.
Dues are to be paid in full by each property by 1 April of each year. The HOA fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December. The HOA does not prorate dues if an owner is selling their house (it is up to the seller and buyer to negotiate any remaining HOA dues at closing).
January begins the new fiscal year and is the date when new dues will be assessed. For example, if you're a new owner and closed on your property in November, you will have to pay dues for the next fiscal year.
To submit an Architectural Control Committee (ACC) request, please email the board.
Copyright © 2024 Franklin Station Homeowners Association, Madison, Alabama. Direct questions to